Thursday 1 May 2014

research and planning into similar products.

Media Reflective analysis

Research and planning:
I have studied two similar music videos to my own the first was “One republic – Secrets” I used Andrew Goodwin’s theory of music videos as a guideline to analyse and interpret the techniques and the conventions of the text the conventions Andrew Goodwin’s theory follows are;

A link between the lyrics and visuals: there is an unclear link between the lyrics and visuals however what I can connote from the video is that the lyrics are describing the emotions he is expressing following the break up from a serious relationship.

Music and Visuals: the Performance based visuals are of the band performing alone in a big empty room, which I believe, fits very well with the powerful music of both the string orchestra instruments and again with the very slow paced music video in which two characters are presented they both look as if they are searching for something (Which influenced my music video partially).

Demands of the record label: throughout the video there is a lot of close-ups on the lead singer as he is considered to be attractive this will attract a higher female audience.

Treatment of the Female body: The female character is covered up most of the time however she is still very attractive and so the camera is shown tilting up her body.

Intertextual references:  throughout the video there is only one clear Intertextual reference, which is a close up of, beats headphones.

 I am looking at the lighting in the Performance based Shots as they were bright as well as the camera angles and shots that empowered the artist’s. This lighting was used for the underlying story of my character using bright lighting to show the retribution he has found and is now paying for the decisions he made in the past.

I also analysed the music video for “Brand New – Sic Transit Gloria” however the genre of music is quite different from the song I chose however the lyrics are about a narrative of running away from your problems, the confrontation and the breakdown of the characters emotions all being represented by different things happen in the narrative. I used this video as a guideline on how I wanted to interpret my own story. The use of dark lighting throughout the video also gave me inspiration on some of the performance-based shots in my video.

The conventions in my music video: As my artist is not presented as popular and has a much more niche audience I did not completely follow all of these conventions however I did conform to some of these.

Lyrics and visuals: I had a clear link between the lyrics and the visuals such as In the narrative scenes in which my artist is shown singing as communication between him and the female character.

Music and visuals: The genre of music is very natural as it mainly uses acoustic instruments this is why I used the shots of my artist playing in a natural environment. Due to the slow passed music I believe that I would have to have slow paced transitions.

Due to the fact my artist has a niche audience and the way I wanted to represent him as an artist within his genre I did not want to conform with the other three conventions that Andrew Goodwin’s theory states; Demands of the record label, the treatment of the female body and Intertextual references (excluding the biblical references throughout the lyrics).

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